Telemedicine Network

A WiPaM network is an extension of the WiPaM concept: not only the data measured in the patients' home are sent to the WiPaM server, but also medical data from the physicians office, like data from their medical devices, are sent automatically to the WiPaM server.

wipam netwerk

This network between patients, general practitioners and specialists is beneficial for everybody. Patients are assured of a reassuring and reliable follow-up, while physicians have an excellent communication tool and can check the medical tests that are performed by their colleagues and see the results of these tests.


Most of our medical devices can be connected to the WiPaM server.

A few examples:

Telemedicine in pulmonology

The telemedicine network is created by equiping both the patient with telehomecare devices and by allowing the general practitioner and pulmonologist to upload data to WiPaM:

Telemedicine in pulmonology
  • Patient: telehomecare
    The patient has a pocket spirometer and pulse oximeter that send their results to the WiPaM platform after every measurement (telespirometry - tele-oximetry) and can fill out questionnaires on the smartphone.
  • General practitioner
    The general practitioners in the network have a diagnostic spirometer, and can send the results from the spirometry tests to the WiPaM server.
  • Pulmonologist
    Pulmonologists too can upload testdata to the WiPaM server.
  • Others
    Data generated by other healthcare professionals (eg. physiotherapists, home nurses,...) can be sent to the online medical file

Telemedicine in cardiology

The telemedicine network is created by equiping both the patient with telehomecare devices and by allowing the general practitioner and cardiologist to upload data to WiPaM:

Telemedicine in cardiology
  • Patient: telehomecare
    The patient has a blood pressure monitor and a weight scale that can send data to the WiPaM platform and can fill out questionnaires on the smartphone (telecardiology).
  • General practitioner
    The general practitioners in the network have a diagnostic 12-lead ECG device, and can send the results from the ECG tests to the WiPaM server.
  • Cardiologist
    Cardiologists can also upload the data from the diagnostic tests that they perform to the WiPaM server, like CPET tests, ECG, 24 hour blood pressure measurements, 24-hours cardiac holter...
  • Others
    Data generated by other healthcare professionals (eg. physiotherapists, home nurses,...) can be sent to the online medical file
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