SP80-BT Spirometer
The spirometer SP80-BT is an electronic pocket spirometer that registers the most important values of the lung function.
The device was developed for monitoring people with lung disorders at home.
SP80-BT can be linked via bluetooth to an android app for monitoring a patient remotely.
The results are sent from the app to the WiPaM telemedicine platform.
Features SP80-BT

- Homecare for adults and children
- Displays the results on the spirometer screen
- Measure the most important values of the lung function.
- Displays the flow-volume and volume-time curve on the screen
- Internal lithium battery rechargeable via wall socket or USB port
Measured parameters
- FVC: forced vital capacity - total exhaled volume
- FEV1
- FEV1-ratio
- PEF: peak expiratory flow
- FEF25: the flow rate after 25% of the expired volume
- FEF75: the flow rate after 75% of the expired volume
- FEF2575: the average flow rate between 25% and 75% of the expired volume
- flow-volume curve
- volume time
- trend graph
More on spirometry
Spirometry: interpretation
Excellent explanatory site on all aspects linked to spirometry
Another site on spirometers and interpretation of spirometry
International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG)
Website of the IPCRG, a non-profit organisation for research on respiratory disease in primary care
American Lung Association
Organisation for research , education and afvocacy of lung diseases
European Respiratory Society (ERS)
Leading medical organisation in the respiratory field
American Thoracic Society (ATS)
Another very important medical organisation