Spirometer with Vertical Turbine

SpiroConnect is a spirometer of the newest generation. The SpiroConnect spirometer uses a unique measuring principe with a vertical turbine. Because if they simplicity, ease of use and precision, turbine spirometers have been a standard in spirometry for over 30 years. Our spirometer SpiroConnect raises the bar with its patented vertical turbine technology.
SpiroConnect connects wirelessly to a computer or smartphone and has the most user-friendly spirometry software on the market.
SpiroConnect complies with :
- ATS / ERS Task Force Standardisation of Spirometry
- ISO 26782 2009 Spirometry
- NICE guidelines of the British Thoracic Society for managing asthma and COPD
Android App: spirometry on smartphone
during house-calls
Wireless spirometer
Link to EHR

Vertical Turbine Spirometer
SpiroConnect is the first spirometer that uses vertical turbine technology. This revolutionary technique, in combination with a specially developed anti-static plastic, guarantees an absolute minimum of friction.
This allows SpiroConnect to measure a correct reading, even at the smallest of flows (down to 0.025L/s!).

Horizontal turbine
The classic turbine spirometers with horizontal turbine have 2 pivot points that roll in around a conical V jewell.
Vertical Turbine
With SpiroConnect's vertical turbine the pivot rotates on a single point of contact, which produces less friction.

The video shows that the vertical turbine spins at even the very low flow of 1,39L/min (23mL/s), better than the ATS/ERS directives. The horizontal turbine does not turn at these low flows because of its higher friction
Wireless Spirometry
SpiroConnect gets rid of cables once and for all! The spirometer connects wirelessly to a PC or tablet through Bluetooth.
A preconfigured wireless USB-Bluetooth dongle is delivered with the device. The spirometer does not need to be paired to the computer.
SpiroConnect Spirometry Software
The extremely user-friendly SpiroConnect DataManager allows to perform a spirometry in real-time on the screen of the PC. The software follows the ATS-ERS spirometry guidelines.
SpiroConnect connects wirelessly to the computer.
- Link with the Electronic Medical Record
- Compatible with the WiPaM telemedicine platform.
- Flow-volume loop and volume-time graph in realtime on screen
- Fun pediatric incentives
- One-click PDF export
- Choice of predicted values, including GLI/Quanjer
- Available in English, German, French and Dutch
- Interpretation according to the NICE 2010 guidelines
- Integrated network support out of the box: all the computers in the network can use the same central database.

Mobile App
SpiroConnect can also connect to any Android device running Android version 4.2 or higher and transforms your mobile device to a diagnostic spirometry work-station.
The mobile app can easily be syncronized with the PC software.
More info on SpiroConnect.
More on spirometry
Spirometry: interpretation
Excellent explanatory site on all aspects linked to spirometry
Another site on spirometers and interpretation of spirometry
International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG)
Website of the IPCRG, a non-profit organisation for research on respiratory disease in primary care
American Lung Association
Organisation for research , education and afvocacy of lung diseases
European Respiratory Society (ERS)
Leading medical organisation in the respiratory field
American Thoracic Society (ATS)
Another very important medical organisation